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Keyboard Enhancement on TV App: A UT Report

Usability Testing
TV App

Project Overview

Objective: Enhance the user experience of Vidio's TV App search feature based on insights gathered from an online survey conducted among Smart TV users.

Project Details

My Role

Product Designer Intern

Participated as a UT observer and contributed to the analysis and reporting of the user testing process.


  • Metta Anantha (Product Designer)
  • Sonia Vinithadas (Sr. UX Researcher)
  • Hasna Nadifah (UX Researcher Intern)


Initiated during Q4 2022


Figma, Google Sheet


Research Objectives:

  • Increase the number of direct plays from the Search feature.
  • Provide a better user experience while searching for content in Vidio's TV App.

Business Objectives:

  • Identify TV App user behavior regarding the search feature.
  • Understand the completion rate difference between the current search feature and the prototype.
  • Gather feedback on the new prototype.

User Testing Session

Session Details:

  • Conducted at SCTV Tower Meeting Room.
  • Utilized 1 Samsung TV with 2 Mi Sticks to test both existing and new search features.
  • Each session lasted approximately 90 minutes and included pre-interviews, tasks, and post-interviews.
  • The team consisted of 1 designer as the interviewer, 1 researcher as the note-taker, and 1 researcher + 1 designer as observers.

A/B Testing Findings & Results

“When I’m on holiday, I watch TV. I use cell phone more to open social media, I’ve never used it to watch. I’ll browse using laptop”

- R2

“I usually watch weekends using TV. I’ve watched it on a smartphone but rarely. Smart phones and laptops more often used for office matters and social media”

- R1

1. General User Behavior

Most participants used the search feature functionally, mainly triggered by external influences such as social media reviews or friend recommendations.

  • Users typically used the search feature when they already knew the content title.
  • Users would explore the homepage first to find content before resorting to the search feature.
  • Many participants did not use the 'search' button ad preferred selecting from auto-suggestions.
  • While the keyboard was deemed easy to use, users still opted for voice search or mobile app remote control.
  • The overview of user’s journey can be seen below

Overall, we have tried to see these 4 essential components:

Prototype Current

Entry Point





Result Page
Users type no more than 5 characters Users type keyword at least 50% of content title Result Page
Click suggestion with covers Click club suggestion Most users either type in 3 characters or 1 full word Users type 25% - 50% of the conten title
- - Click suggestion with covers 60% users use suggestion while 40% click enter button

2. Completion Rate

Total Prototype Current

Average Series

32s 30s 34s

Average Sport

35s 34s 27s

Overall Average

33.5s 32s 35.5s
  • The prototype search feature demonstrated a slight improvement in speed, being 3 seconds faster on average than the current search feature.
  • Searching for sports content took longer compared to other content types.

3. Force Preference

Prototype Current

Force Preference

60% 40%

Despite some user feedback, 60% of users preferred the prototype, while 40% favored the current search feature. They also say things such as…

“I prefer this one (prototype), it’s easier to search. However, the suggestions are limited, and I have to scroll more compared to the current one”

- R1

“If it were up to me, I prefer the keyboard to be longer. It’s not difficult to use, but I’m just not used to it. It would be better if it’s longer, with the numbers on top. The suggestions would be more visible then.”

- R4

“If we talk about which one is better and more complete, I prefer the prototype because it has everything... it's easier compared to the first one. As for the keyboard size, I think it's a matter of preference. For me, that size is enough

- R3

4. Easiness of Use & Appearance

Total Prototype Current

Easiness to Use

4.1325 4.25 4.0


4.0 4.0 4.0
Base respondent: 5 | data in mean score (5pt scale, 1. Very uneasy - 5 very easy)
  • Overall
    • Prototype is perceived as 0.25 easier to use than the current keyboard. Appearance remains the same for both versions.
  • Keyboard
    • Users expressed dislikes for the current keyboard buttons, such as clear, space, and numerical keys, as they were hard to reach. Additionally, they were not aware of the enter button. Tackling this issue will be to make the mentioned buttons more reachable
    • The prototype's keyboard had a relatively small size, and users didn't expect the search to be clickable. Suggestion for this is to place  the backspace button lower to avoid accidental clicks.
  • Search Page
    • The appearance of the current search page was well-received, but improvements for the prototype were suggested, such as enabling scrolling for the suggestions above the keyboard.

5. Intention to use

Total Prototype Current

Intention to use

3.6 3.5 3.7
Base respondent: 5 | data in mean score (5pt scale, 1. Very uneasy - 5 very easy)

Users’ intention to use search is mainly because of the unavailability of the content in the homepage. There is no significant difference between current search feature and prototype. The users tend to be comfortable with the current search feature because of habit.


Key Insights

  • The prototype offers a faster user experience, saving an average of 3 seconds compared to the current search feature.
  • Users prefer a larger keyboard and suggestions, making these improvements crucial for usability.
  • Users predominantly use the search feature functionally, usually after finding content titles on social media.


  • Implement a larger keyboard and relevant content suggestions in the search feature to meet user preferences.
  • Provide scrollable search results
  • Optimize the search process specifically for sports content to improve efficiency.


  • Insights gathered from the online survey of 902 Smart TV users provide valuable data for refining Vidio's TV App search feature.
  • By incorporating a larger keyboard, relevant suggestions, and optimizing the search process, Vidio can create a more seamless and user-friendly experience.
  • Improving the search functionality is expected to increase direct plays and overall user satisfaction, solidifying Vidio's position as Indonesia's leading OTT platform.


  • Eggy Gouztam, Product Designer Lead
  • Metta Anantha, Product Designer
  • Sonia Vinithadas, Sr. UX Researcher
  • Hasna Nadifah, UX Researcher Intern